Getting your ex back is possible, but to be able to keep them takes a few secrets. Do some people just sit back and sulk, while others seem to be able to get over a break up and move on? It sure seems so. Or maybe it is just that some people learn the secrets of success from their grandparents or other relatives or friends. Take a bit of advice from those that have enjoyed long and happy relationships. Before you attempt to get your ex back, you need to learn about some tried and true tips for a long and happy relationship. Take time to look back, refresh your memories and share what brought you together in the first place.
Reminiscing on your memories can help to cement your relationship, especially when times are tough. Keep dating each other. Even if life gets in the way, meet up at the end of the day and share something, like viewing your favorite program together or playing a card game.
Couples tend to have fun on their dates, then get married and bitten by the serious bug. Lighten up. There are hundreds, if not thousands of games you can get involved in over the internet.
Or head to a local rental shop and rent an Xbox or other game player. Pretend you are back in your childhood. You do not need to remember the bad things that were done and said during an argument.
You can always choose to forget. Be the first one to apologize and make up. You can boost your own self-esteem and it also says a lot about you to your partner. Give each other some space. You either trust them or you don't. Get on with life, though.
People need time alone and time with their mates and other friends. Be sure to give and take when it comes to giving your partner space, and in turn getting some for yourself. It really is okay to disagree on some issues, and leave it at that. No need to create a new religion or political movement just to make sure you are both happy. You do not have to agree on everything, and you won't. Just think of it as part of his or her charm and what attracted you to them - their individuality.
Remember, if you wanted someone exactly like you, you could have just stuck with the mirror. Make some memories together. Enjoy special moments, special anniversary dates and events. It does not need to be expensive. Maybe you enjoyed a picnic for two one spring day.
You can repeat this moment over and over. Make it an ongoing event. Something that only the two of you share. So you are never going to get anywhere if you just sit back and sulk. Take small steps to improve your relationships and you will be rewarded a hundredfold.
You too can get your ex back by taking small steps in the right direction. Check out Making Up Magically!